hello friend.

The app designed for your safety.

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a way to stay safe and collect evidence - anonymously

Created to provide a safe space for people in need of domestic violence support

The #1 app to help you get out

A Focus On Safety

The app is password protected and anonymous, allowing you to exit the app, log out, and stop it from running in the background with the press of a button. It is also displayed as a "news app" in order to keep itself hidden until you are logged in.

Partnered with the Government of Ontario

Finding Safe Spaces

Using your current location or a chosen address, you can see the nearest available resources to contact or  learn more about, whether it is finding a nearby clinic or even a shelter to stay at.

access files only you can see

Keeping A Diary

Using the diary, you can share your thoughts and feelings and attach files that will be kept on the app but removed off your phone for your safety. You can upload photos, videos, or audio files to keep as evidence as well.



Immediate connection to
9-1-1 for emergencies.

In Distress?

Direct access to hotlines
for times of distress.

Wanna Chat?

24/7 online chat with an experienced professional.


With the help of our current sponsors
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